Introduction to Azure Machine Learning

Data Science Course


Azure Machine Learning experiments

Like any scientific discipline, data science involves running experiments; typically to explore data or to build and evaluate predictive models. In Azure Machine Learning, an experiment is a named process, usually the running of a script or a pipeline, that can generate metrics and outputs and be tracked in the Azure Machine Learning workspace.

An experiment can be run multiple times, with different data, code, or settings; and Azure Machine Learning tracks each run, enabling you to view run history and compare results for each run.

The Experiment Run Context

When you submit an experiment, you use its run context to initialize and end the experiment run that is tracked in Azure Machine Learning, as shown in the following code sample:

After the experiment run has completed, you can view the details of the run in the Experiments tab in Azure Machine Learning studio.

Logging Metrics and Creating Outputs

Experiments are most useful when they produce metrics and outputs that can be tracked across runs.

Logging Metrics

Every experiment generates log files that include the messages that would be written to the terminal during interactive execution. This enables you to use simple print statements to write messages to the log. However, if you want to record named metrics for comparison across runs, you can do so by using the Run object; which provides a range of logging functions specifically for this purpose. These include:

  • log: Record a single named value.
  • log_list: Record a named list of values.
  • log_row: Record a row with multiple columns.
  • log_table: Record a dictionary as a table.
  • log_image: Record an image file or a plot.

More Information: For more information about logging metrics during experiment runs, see Monitor Azure ML experiment runs and metrics in the Azure Machine Learning documentation.

For example, following code records the number of observations (records) in a CSV file:

Retrieving and Viewing Logged Metrics

You can view the metrics logged by an experiment run in Azure Machine Learning studio or by using the RunDetails widget in a notebook, as shown here:

You can also retrieve the metrics using the Run object's get_metrics method, which returns a JSON representation of the metrics, as shown here:

The previous code produces output similar to this:

Experiment Output Files

In addition to logging metrics, an experiment can generate output files. Often these are trained machine learning models, but you can save any sort of file and make it available as an output of your experiment run. The output files of an experiment are saved in its outputs folder.

The technique you use to add files to the outputs of an experiment depend on how you're running the experiment. The examples shown so far control the experiment lifecycle inline in your code, and when taking this approach you can upload local files to the run's outputs folder by using the Run object's upload_file method in your experiment code as shown here:

When running an experiment in a remote compute context (which we'll discuss later in this course), any files written to the outputs folder in the compute context are automatically uploaded to the run's outputs folder when the run completes.

Whichever approach you use to run your experiment, you can retrieve a list of output files from the Run object like this:

The previous code produces output similar to this:

Running a Script as an Experiment

You can run an experiment inline using the start_logging method of the Experiment object, but it's more common to encapsulate the experiment logic in a script and run the script as an experiment. The script can be run in any valid compute context, making this a more flexible solution for running experiments as scale.

An experiment script is just a Python code file that contains the code you want to run in the experiment. To access the experiment run context (which is needed to log metrics) the script must import the azureml.core.Run class and call its get_context method. The script can then use the run context to log metrics, upload files, and complete the experiment, as shown here:

To run a script as an experiment, you must define a run configuration that defines the Python environment in which the script will be run, and a script run configuration that associates the run environment with the script. These are implemented by using the RunConfiguration and ScriptRunConfig objects.

For example, the following code could be used to run an experiment based on a script in the experiment_files folder (which must also contain any files used by the script, such as the data.csv file in previous script code example):


The RunConfig object defines the Python environment for the experiment, including the packages available to the script. If your script depends on packages that are not included in the default environment, you must associate the RunConfig with an Environment object that makes use of a CondaDependencies object to specify the Python packages required.