Introduce the foundation pillars of DevOps: Culture and Lean Product

Cybersecurity Course


Explore the second foundation pillar of DevOps, Lean Product

The next pillar in our view of DevOps is Lean Product.

According to Richard Banfield, great product companies have four things in common:

  • Vision is about creating a vivid story of the future we envision with our product in the world in 2-5 years.
  • Strategy is the set of steps that we believe we need to get there. And, our plan is to change course as we learn more along the way.
  • Priorities help us focus on delivering the highest business value items first, and on executing in an incremental fashion.
  • Measuring outcomes aligns our hypotheses with reality and helps us make better data-driven decisions.


Lean Product Management arose from the need for a clear product vision and a product strategy.

Why Lean Product Management?

The highest form of waste is building a product that no one will buy or use!

If the right problems aren’t being solved for our customers, we aren't building based on value.

What is Lean Product Management

Lean Product Management refers to a way of discovering products that embraces user-centrism. It acknowledges that product teams are on a continuous journey of solving well-understood user problems in as lean a manner as possible.

Big concepts and principles of Lean Product Management

A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

There are six principles of Lean Product Management:

  1. Start with vision
  2. Product strategy
  3. Ideas and opportunities
  4. Lean experiments
  5. Single team, dual tracks
  6. Finding product market fit.