Before you can prepare a dataset, you need to understand its content and structure. In the previous lab, you imported a dataset containing on-time arrival information for a major U.S. airline. That data included 26 columns and thousands of rows, with each row representing one flight and containing information such as the flight's origin, destination, and scheduled departure time. You also loaded the data into a Jupyter notebook and used a simple Python script to create a Pandas DataFrame from it.
A DataFrame is a two-dimensional labeled data structure. The columns in a DataFrame can be of different types, just like columns in a spreadsheet or database table. It is the most commonly used object in Pandas. In this exercise, you will examine the DataFrame — and the data inside it — more closely.
Confirm that the DataFrame contains 11,231 rows and 26 columns:
Here is a complete list of the columns in the dataset. Times are expressed in 24-hour military time. For example, 1130 equals 11:30 a.m. and 1500 equals 3:00 p.m.
>The dataset includes a roughly even distribution of dates throughout the year, which is important because a flight out of Minneapolis is less likely to be delayed due to winter storms in July than it is in January. But this dataset is far from being "clean" and ready to use. Let's write some Pandas code to clean it up.
One of the most important aspects of preparing a dataset for use in machine learning is selecting the "feature" columns that are relevant to the outcome you are trying to predict while filtering out columns that do not affect the outcome, could bias it in a negative way, or might produce multicollinearity. Another important task is to eliminate missing values, either by deleting the rows or columns containing them or replacing them with meaningful values. In this exercise, you will eliminate extraneous columns and replace missing values in the remaining columns.
Confirm that the output is "True," which indicates that there is at least one missing value somewhere in the dataset.
df = df.drop('Unnamed: 25', axis=1) df.isnull().sum()
The next step, therefore, is to filter the dataset to eliminate columns that aren't relevant to a predictive model. For example, the aircraft's tail number probably has little bearing on whether a flight will arrive on time, and at the time you book a ticket, you have no way of knowing whether a flight will be cancelled, diverted, or delayed. By contrast, the scheduled departure time could have a lot to do with on-time arrivals. Because of the hub-and-spoke system used by most airlines, morning flights tend to be on time more often than afternoon or evening flights. And at some major airports, traffic stacks up during the day, increasing the likelihood that later flights will be delayed.
Pandas provides an easy way to filter out columns you don't want. Execute the following code in a new cell at the end of the notebook:
df = df[["MONTH", "DAY_OF_MONTH", "DAY_OF_WEEK", "ORIGIN", "DEST", "CRS_DEP_TIME", "ARR_DEL15"]] df.isnull().sum()
Pandas represents missing values with NaN, which stands for Not a Number. The output shows that these rows are indeed missing values in the ARR_DEL15 column:
Use the following code to replace missing values in the ARR_DEL15 column with 1s and display rows 177 through 184:
df = df.fillna({'ARR_DEL15': 1}) df.iloc[177:185]
Confirm that the NaNs in rows 177, 179, and 184 were replaced with 1s indicating that the flights arrived late:
The dataset is now "clean" in the sense that missing values have been replaced and the list of columns has been narrowed to those most relevant to the model. But you're not finished yet. There is more to do to prepare the dataset for use in machine learning.
The CRS_DEP_TIME column of the dataset you are using represents scheduled departure times. The granularity of the numbers in this column — it contains more than 500 unique values — could have a negative impact on accuracy in a machine-learning model. This can be resolved using a technique called binning or quantization. What if you divided each number in this column by 100 and rounded down to the nearest integer? 1030 would become 10, 1925 would become 19, and so on, and you would be left with a maximum of 24 discrete values in this column. Intuitively, it makes sense, because it probably doesn't matter much whether a flight leaves at 10:30 a.m. or 10:40 a.m. It matters a great deal whether it leaves at 10:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m.
In addition, the dataset's ORIGIN and DEST columns contain airport codes that represent categorical machine-learning values. These columns need to be converted into discrete columns containing indicator variables, sometimes known as "dummy" variables. In other words, the ORIGIN column, which contains five airport codes, needs to be converted into five columns, one per airport, with each column containing 1s and 0s indicating whether a flight originated at the airport that the column represents. The DEST column needs to be handled in a similar manner.
In this exercise, you will "bin" the departure times in the CRS_DEP_TIME column and use Pandas' get_dummies method to create indicator columns from the ORIGIN and DEST columns.
Observe that the CRS_DEP_TIME column contains values from 0 to 2359 representing military times.
import math for index, row in df.iterrows(): df.loc[index, 'CRS_DEP_TIME'] = math.floor(row['CRS_DEP_TIME'] / 100) df.head()
Confirm that the numbers in the CRS_DEP_TIME column now fall in the range 0 to 23:
df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['ORIGIN', 'DEST']) df.head()
Examine the resulting DataFrame and observe that the ORIGIN and DEST columns were replaced with columns corresponding to the airport codes present in the original columns. The new columns have 1s and 0s indicating whether a given flight originated at or was destined for the corresponding airport.
The dataset looks very different than it did at the start, but it is now optimized for use in machine learning.
Next unit: Exercise - Build Machine Learning Model